*New* Henna Indigo Vat Tutorial

*New* Henna Indigo Vat Tutorial
Learn my preferred method of making an Organic Henna Indigo Vat! The Henna Vat is perhaps my favorite studio vat because of the bright blue tones it produces, it’s even keeled nature and the added bonus of a comforting distinct earthy smell of making and working with this vat. This vat is a perfect choice for the studio because it’s gentle and effective enough to color ALL natural fibers (cellulose/plant, protein/animal) AND the Henna used to catalyze *Reduction* in this vat can easily be purchased from natural food shops or beauty supply as it is the same exact substance that is used as a natural red brown hair dye the world over.
If you are additionally looking for a vat suitable for protein fibers try a fermentation vat (see the “Fermentation Indigo Vat” section included in The Indigo Vat Lesson.
And for cellulose/plant fibers- you can learn how to make and maintain another wonderful Vat that quickly produces deep saturated blue hues here in- The Iron Vat Tutorial. I have found that textiles dyed in my iron vat fare much better over time in regards to lightfastness than other quick reduction vats like the fructose vat.
And if you woul dlike to learn even more about all of these organic Vats as well as Food Waste Indigo Vats- See my Indigo Vat Workshop with over 3 hours of video instruction and detailed step by step handouts with recipes and instructions.
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