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A Year in Natural Dyes

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teaching different techniques EACH MONTH

***REMEMBER Tutorials can often employ many different types of plants successfully - so even if you don’t have access to the months’ themed plants, you can still use the techniques & recipes shared - lists & references to other plants and dyestuffs that are relevant for each month’s tutorial will always be provided!

Join any time of the year either…

☟As a pay MONTHLY member

— Or as a pay YEARLY member ☟

(& get 1 month FREE)

A Year in Natural Dyes
Every month
Every year

The YEARLY subscription gets you 1 MONTH FREE ✨A Year in Natural Dyes✨ grants you private access to monthly natural dye education. Each month you will receive in-depth natural dye tutorials, & valuable information to keep your dye pots & journals busy throughout the year. Tutorials contain plant profiles, process resources, recipe(s), step by step directions & beautiful accompanying imagery. When Tutorials Retire, you receive the download to keep & reference FOREVER!

*NEW February ✨AYIND✨ Tutorial :

Ice Dyeing with Cara Marie Piazza of Calyx Studios 



Click the ‘Sign Up’ above or button below to join A Year in Natural Dyes & immediately access the Tutorial.

You will receive a PDF copy after it retires to keep & reference FOREVER

February Tutorial Includes:

  • Herbal plants that are useful as Natural Dyes & for Ice Dyeing

  • Supplies & Tools you will find useful for the process including direct links to ethical & considerate suppliers. 

  • How to pre-treat materials effectively with Tannins, Metal mordants like Alum AND Plant Protein Binders like Soymilk for lasting Ice Dyeing prints that can withstand washing, exposure to sunlight & wear. 

  • How to ICE DYE, and many different variations on this DYE-namic technique.

  • This process works with ANY NATURAL DYE ( including INDIGO! )

  • Overdye STAINED garments with natural color and breathe beautiful new life into your wardrobe!

A Year in Natural Dyes
Every month
Every year

The YEARLY subscription gets you 1 MONTH FREE ✨A Year in Natural Dyes✨ grants you private access to monthly natural dye education. Each month you will receive in-depth natural dye tutorials, & valuable information to keep your dye pots & journals busy throughout the year. Tutorials contain plant profiles, process resources, recipe(s), step by step directions & beautiful accompanying imagery. When Tutorials Retire, you receive the download to keep & reference FOREVER!

January ✨AYIND✨ Tutorial :

The Many Moods of Madder +BONUS: EcoPrinting with Blankets


Click the ‘Sign Up’ above or button below to join A Year in Natural Dyes & immediately access the Tutorial.

You will receive a PDF copy after it retires to keep & reference FOREVER

Bonus EcoPrinting with Blankets Tutorial Includes:

  • Using a dye blanket (instead of solid color immersion dyeing the fabric first & then EcoPrinting on top) allows you to create ecoprinted fabrics with vibrant positive prints & undyed ‘negative’ botanical shapes- where the leaves or flowers block the dye.

  • 40 Plus pages with visual step by step process & print samples to reference various colors, prints, resists effects possible with this unique ecoprinting technique.

  • Detailed Overview of EcoPrinting with Blankets & their versatile uses in creating almost any color background for EcoPrinting.

  • Materials & Resources Lists with direct links to my favorite suppliers

  • Which fabrics and dyes to use for ecoprinting blankets for the best results possible.

  • Step by step directions to Mordant in multiple ways, EcoPrint with Dye blankets on fabric & garments including SOCKS!

  • Learn to work with ANY BOTANICAL, LEAF, FLOWER, (Fresh or dry) You can use ANY leaf or plant (using what you already have in your local environment) -even if they’re not good dye plants or plants whose prints have been underwhelming for you in EcoPrinting tests or trials. 

  • The BLANKET EcoPrinting Process will work with ANY NATURAL DYE (except for Indigo because of its unique chemistry as a dye), & the Tutorial includes a spotlight on working with the Madder- capable of making MANY different colors PLUS- exactly how to get a saturated RED background and not just orange or pink.

    The Many Moods of

    Madder Tutorial Includes:

  • History, science, & procedure for dyeing with TURKEY RED OIL and my labeled MADDER DYE TRIALS employing Turkey Red Oil to enhance the depth & durability of madder dyed textiles

  • Extracting dye for optimal results (that can be used for any dyestuff!) including all my special considerations for Madder- Queen of ❣️RED❣️plant dyes! Learn my preferred method for achieving deep saturated tones of red (including a few special tweaks of the mordanting & extracting process) when natural dyeing with madder root.

  • An extensive:


    that will help you understand Madder in depth- the importance of water type, temperature, dyeing time & dyestuff source for the deepest colors possible, so you can approach the dye pot with confidence to create rich saturated colors of pink, orange, RED, purple, brown & black! -a very valuable section for anyone interested in dyeing with madder root.

A Year in Natural Dyes
Every month
Every year

The YEARLY subscription gets you 1 MONTH FREE ✨A Year in Natural Dyes✨ grants you private access to monthly natural dye education. Each month you will receive in-depth natural dye tutorials, & valuable information to keep your dye pots & journals busy throughout the year. Tutorials contain plant profiles, process resources, recipe(s), step by step directions & beautiful accompanying imagery. When Tutorials Retire, you receive the download to keep & reference FOREVER!

December ✨AYIND✨

Tutorial : ScreenPrinting with

Natural Dyes

by Madeleine McGarrity of

Cold & Deadly


Click the ‘Sign Up’ above or button below to join A Year in Natural Dyes & immediately access the Tutorial.

You will receive a PDF copy after it retires to keep & reference FOREVER

December Tutorial Includes:

  • Detailed Overview of SceenPrinting

  • Numerous resources: materials, dyes, mordants & more

  • How to make your own designs & transfer to screens with multiple methods ranging from accessible / doable at home to advanced & professional

  • Multiple ways to create multi color images on fabrics using natural dyes & printing pastes (Outlines of the Process Possibilities: mordant, dye & discharge printing)

  • Step by step directions to print with mordants & immersion dye- With a FOCUS ON COCHINEAL- learn why this dye is so special & capable of creating a whole array of colors.

  • This process works with ANY NATURAL DYE (except for Indigo because of its unique chemistry as a dye), & the Tutorial includes a spotlight on working with the multitudinous Cochineal- capable of making MANY different colors

  • How to make a lake pigment (Never waste another precious dye bath again!) & explanation of its usefulness in the printing process for optimal results

  • ACCESS to Cold & Deadly’s Rigorous Systems of testing Natural Dyes including insights on Clearing Background color for the most STRIKING PRINTS, additives & KEY dye process elements for the best possible printing results.

  • Print absolutely anything you can dream up with natural color!

✨A Year in Natural Dyes✨

2025 Plant Themes

✷ Fresh Tutorials: ALL NEW CONTENT ✷

++ Don’t worry that my local plants may differ from yours- these Tutorials will be focused on reaping the MOST from YOUR REGIONAL PLANTS. This month will cover my favorite resources & methods for DISCOVERING YOUR LOCAL DYE PLANTS & some exceptional GUEST CONTRIBUTORS bringing their foraging/growing & dyeing expertise.

+Plus EARLY ON in 2025 you will receive a detailed Tutorial on: HOW TO PRESS & PRESERVE PLANTS FOR ECOPRINTING ✷

A Year in Natural Dyes
Every month
Every year

The YEARLY subscription gets you 1 MONTH FREE ✨A Year in Natural Dyes✨ grants you private access to monthly natural dye education. Each month you will receive in-depth natural dye tutorials, & valuable information to keep your dye pots & journals busy throughout the year. Tutorials contain plant profiles, process resources, recipe(s), step by step directions & beautiful accompanying imagery. When Tutorials Retire, you receive the download to keep & reference FOREVER!

Did you know you can

-GIVE- ✨AYIND✨ to Someone Else


with a

A Year in Natural Dyes

Join Now to Journey with me throughout the year learning all about natural color.


  • • You want to learn the ins and outs of natural dyeing with practical explanations for what is going on

    • You’re a beginner OR an expert

    • You love getting brand new educational offerings monthly

    • You’re looking for creative prompts with detailed directions that inspire you to make beautiful color without using mysterious synthetic ingredients

  • • Yes! With the Pay/Monthly membership: You can join, cancel, pause and restart your membership at any time.

  • • You can start your AYIND membership at any time during the year!

  • • Yes! There is a NEW Pay/Yearly option- click the green tab above the ‘SIGN UP’ button to change the pay frequency for your membership before purchase to Pay/Monthly or Pay/Yearly.

    AND Pay/Yearly gets you one month FREE!

  • • Yes! The monthly tutorials are thorough with step-by-step instructions on natural dye techniques & will help you attain a much a deeper understanding of natural dyeing. Materials & resources links to my favorite ethical & sustainable fabric & supplies vendors are included along with a complete supplies list.

    • Coming from 10 plus years of professional arts education, I pour an immense amount of thought, & consideration into my tutorials with the participant in mind. The tutorials are full of visuals helping guide you the maker through the technical aspect of the natural dye process with clarity.

  • • No matter your region or season A Year in Natural Dyes can offer value employing the techniques with a variety of different plants you have available.

    • So even if you don’t have access to the months’ themed plants (madder, weld, marigolds, etc.) you can still use the techniques & recipes shared - lists & references to other plants & dyestuffs that are relevant for each month’s tutorial will always be provided!

  • • Perhaps one of the best things about A Year in Natural Dyes is that at the end of each month you’ll get a downloadable PDF of the Tutorial you can keep FOREVER! There’s no rush, life is busy- and you can always reference the information you paid for in the future in whatever timeline works best for you!

    • This means that if you live in a different region or hemisphere with opposite seasons, you can take full advantage of the digital copies that come with A Year in Natural Dyes, to save for when you and the local plants are ready!

  • Tutorials can often employ many different types of plants successfully - so even if you don’t have access to the months’ themed plants, you can still use the techniques & recipes shared - lists & references to other plants and dyestuffs that are relevant for each month’s tutorial will be provided! The wonderful thing about A Year in Natural Dyes is that so many of the plants used are interchangeable.

  • Not a problem! We’re always happy to help, send us a message here.

How the Subscription Works

Each month subscribers to A Year in Natural Dyes will have access to new Natural Dye Tutorials in the Private Membership section of my website. A Year in Natural Dyes is a rolling monthly subscription where old content expires each new month. After content retires- Subscribers receive downloadable PDF versions of their subscribed months’ content to keep and reference forever!

Content each month will include:

-plant(s) profile

-detailed tutorial with step by step directions

-resources for dyes, mordants, materials (garden & studio relevant)

-inspiration & prompts for discovery

-seasonal bonus dye plant growing or harvesting tips

The content will live in the Membership section of my website where you can comment, ask questions & share any knowledge you may have.

And if you’re looking for more in depth natural dye learning opportunities check out my:

Natural Dye Workshops

Learn at your own pace with prerecorded videos

Visit here to learn about my Online Workshops