*New* Printing with Leaves: Cannabis & More Tutorial

*New* Printing with Leaves: Cannabis & More Tutorial
Learn how to create leaf prints on natural fabric in multiple ways. This tutorial will instruct on how to EcoPrint and how to pre-treat fabric for natrual dyeing to ensure your dye bonds well and can withstand washing and wear over time.
Instruction includes a supplies list for dye materials and dyeables, with links to my favorite suppliers & step by step guidance on the entire process with color photo imagery.
Multiple composition processes for mirror image prints as well as single plane composition prints are covered, so you can approach making leaf prints through rolling & steaming textiles in different ways with confidence!
The tutorial also includes a list of many leaf varieties suited well for ecoprinting including cannabis with a bonus detailed info section on the wonders of this fantastic dye and printing plant.
Many different leaves can be utilized for this process & much beauty of the experience includes exploring your local environment to test and discover which plants near you create the best prints.
There is a rainbow of print colors possible through leaf variety choice as well as mordant/prefixative process. Multiple Prefixative processes and recipes are included for pre-treating plant(cellulose) and protein fibers for good dye adherence- And if you’re looking for the most striking impact with your plant prints, Learn an extra special and unique, natural prefixative process that I used to achieve clear and defined colorful plant prints in my ✨Bundle Dyeing + EcoPrinting✨ recorded video workshop available Here.
This tutorial also included a Print Trial Section showing many different mordants and pre-fixatives and the print qualities they create to best inform your decisions for mordanting and pre-treating fibers for EcoPrinting.
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