Soy Paste Resist Tutorial

Soy Paste Resist Tutorial
Soy Paste Resist is a wonderful way to create paterns for indigo dyed textiles. Of all the different varieties of paste resist for indigo —including rice (Tsutsugaki & Katazome), cassava (Adire Eleko) mud (Dhabu) and more!- Soy Paste involves the least effort. Unlike other paste resists, soy paste is very fast and easy to make- requiring no extensive cooking or processing of ingredients & extra paste can be kept & last quite a while.
This recipe is very simple and mixes up quickly. Because of it’s coarser consistency- it is not usually used with woodblock print resist, but is ideal for direct paintbrush application or can also be used with a stencil as traditionally done with Lan Yin Hua Bu (蓝印花布) -or- Blue Calico in China. The paste can be painted on free hand with a paint brush or with a brush or stencil.
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