Soymilk Painting & Dyeing with Food Scraps- Compeletly Food/Kitchen Safe Tutorial

Soymilk Painting & Dyeing with Food Scraps- Compeletly Food/Kitchen Safe Tutorial
I wanted to offer a completely food & kitchen friendly creative project that utilizes food waste, resulting in a beautiful outcome.
You can perform all parts of the process in your kitchen (even using your kitchen pots & tools) with no worry of introducing unknown or unsafe ingredients into your food prep area. There’s no need to invest in separate dye pots or tools for this completely food safe natural dye process and it’s a wonderful project to try with children of all ages.
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to make fresh soymilk (the best for natural dyeing!), how to transform it into paints of varying concentrations, and how to apply to fabric as well as how to extract color from food waste & successfully dye your painted material for charming effect- Pattern making with natural dyes was never easier!
Dyes used in this Tutorial include:
-Avocado Skins + Pits/Seeds
-Yellow Onion Skins
-Used Coffee Grounds &
-Pomegranate Rinds
And the color options for this tutorial are wide with abundant variety of food and food waste dyes that can be used. There is so much possibility for creative design & waste wise dyeing
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