Anthotypes: Making Sun Photos with Plant Dye Tutorial

Anthotypes: Making Sun Photos with Plant Dye Tutorial
Making Anthotypes
Make Sun Prints using only plant dye! Anthotypes are the natural cousin to Cyanotypes, allowing you to create prints using the power of the sun and plant dye!
The ANTHOTYPE is a process of making images by employing solar UV light to partially degrade a natural dye coated surface. Originating around the same time as cyanotypes in the mid 19th century- anthotypes are a beautifully simple way to create imagery naturally
Prints will develop over time with UV exposure- sometimes in just a few hours and sometimes over the course of a few days or weeks.
This process can work with almost any natural dye with varying exposing times and processing/coating methods and Anthocyanin based dyestuffs are fantastic candidates for this technique. Anthocyanins occur as many different colors in flowers, edible fruits, veggies & leaves. AND Learn extensive dye info including growing, extracting & history of 3 of my favorite anthocyanin dyes in my Hollyhock, Pincushion & Hopi Sunflower Natural Dye Plant Lesson.
This Tutorial in -A Year in Natural Dyes- dives deep into the Anthotype process including how to treat and dye both FABRIC & PAPER as well as multiple ways to create imagery including photograms, botanicalgrams & photo Anthotypes.
There is info on how to display & considerations and instructions for print preservation best practices.
This plant powdered art process yields something evanescent yet beautiful like the brevity of the fresh flowers themselves that contributed to the color. Natural (& synthetic!) color with never last forever -and this process embraces that transient nature of plant color- immaterial & invaluable like memory itself.
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