Purple Pincushion Flower Seeds- 'Scabiosa Atropurpurea'

Purple Pincushion Flower Seeds- 'Scabiosa Atropurpurea'
Each seed packet contains approximately 100 seeds.
Purple Pincushion flowers or ‘Scabiosa Atropurpurea’ are a beautiful garden addition and the color resulting can range from deep purple, to teal, bluish green. My favorite use for purple pincushion is in bundle dyeing. This ‘anthocyanin’ based dye contained in the deep purple flowers is not known to be lightfast, but in a direct & concentrated application such a bundle dyeing- the color has remained stable on all textiles I have dyed. I also love making flower paint (a wonderful activity to do with children) with purple pincushion flowers as well as Eco Printing & flower pounding to make plant prints on fabric. I’ve also enjoyed using purple pincushion dye to dye wood beads.
This specific color of Pincushion flower (dark purple to maroon) is an annual and must be replanted (or allowed to self seed) each year. You can start these seeds indoors in late winter to early spring in average to well-fertilized soil, protecting them from potential frost until they’re established and can be transplanted outdoors in warmer weather. They can grow well in containers as well as in the ground and will appreciate well draining soil and a sunny spot. Germination will also be improved with a bit of light, so just barely cover (if at all) the seeds with soil, and a grow light may help speed up germination in early spring. Once established and the plant starts blooming, it’s best to pick flowers often, or ‘dead head’ the waning flowers to keep the plant producing blooms for a longer period.
See the ‘Dye Plants’ section of my website to learn more about cultivating & dyeing with this plant.
I also offer a pre-recorded Video Online Workshop Package - ‘Bundle Dyeing, EcoPrinting and Flower Pounding’ to guide you through various processes of working with your purple pincushion flowers. It comes with over 3 hours of video instruction and multiple info-packed PDF’s complete with resources, process tips & explanation, and step by step instruction. Email me at liz@thedogwooddyer.com or message me through my contact form for more information on how to access the workshops.