Dyeing, Painting + Discharge Printing with Acidic Plants Tutorial

Dyeing, Painting + Discharge Printing with Acidic Plants Tutorial
The acid contained in many plants can be utilized in a multitude of ways for the dyer. Extracted for dye without the need for mordants when dyeing protein fibers, employed as a potent and powerful paint, and extracted for dye discharge solution (a Natural Bleach!), as well as directly used in removing or blocking color while EcoPrinting. This tutorial is an info packed 3 part lesson walking you through various ways for experimenting with Oxalis.
A long list of other acid rich plants that can also be used for these techniques is also included if you do not have access to Oxalis.
Gain detailed step by step guidance for how to make paint, dye and discharge print using only natural resources that you can forage in your local environment.
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