Fresh Indigo & Woad Lesson

Fresh Indigo & Woad Lesson
Fresh Indigo & Woad
In this info packed Fresh Indigo lesson contains over 40 pages of information including:
Indigo Dye classification details & chemistry explained- understanding indigo science is key to successful fresh leaf AND traditional Vat dyeing
Extensive list of plants that can produce Indigo dye- botanical names of plants occurring around the world with particular details for Indigofera, Woad & Persicaria Tinctoria (Japanese Indigo)
Guidelines for Growing Japanese Indigo Persicaria tinctoria/Polygonum tinctoria: (my preferred type of indigo to grow)
Seed sources list (North America, Europe, and Australia) and tips on exactly how to start seed
Where & how to grow- climate & character with advice on harvesting, and how to encourage as much indigo yield as possible
Considerations for Fresh Leaf Indigo Dyeing success including 2 detailed step-by-step tutorials on simple fresh leaf dyeing including a water-wise, No Water Method.
How to dye Protein AND Plant/Cellulose fibers successfully with Fresh Indigo
Inspiration for what else you you can do with Leftover Fresh Leaf Dyeing Liquid and plant matter- Indirubin Dyeing for Pinks and Purples, (‘The Indigo Spectrum’), Pigment making, Reducing to make an Indigo Vat with no synthetic chemicals.
How to regenerate harvested stems to DOUBLE your indigo plants immediately.
A List of Alternative ways of working with Fresh Indigo in artistic applications- Tatakizome/Leaf Pounding, Shibori/Resist Surface design, Pigment Extraction, Dyeing other materials including paper, wood, hair, etc.
Exemplary artists & Educators working with Indigo- Organizations, Groups & Individuals Researching, Documenting & Preserving Indigo Culture, History & Heritage
An Extensive Research List of my favorite books and web resources for in depth Indigo research
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